[foo==>bar] => Array
[ct] => 5
[wt] => 9
[foo==>strlen] => Array
[ct] => 5
[wt] => 2
[bar==>bar@1] => Array
[ct] => 4
[wt] => 6
[bar@1==>bar@2] => Array
[ct] => 3
[wt] => 3
[bar@2==>bar@3] => Array
[ct] => 2
[wt] => 1
[bar@3==>bar@4] => Array
[ct] => 1
[wt] => 1
[main()==>foo] => Array
[ct] => 1
[wt] => 21
[main()==>xhprof_disable] => Array
[ct] => 1
[wt] => 1
[main()] => Array
[ct] => 1
[wt] => 25
Warning: fopen(/tmp/xhprof/67d5352713f5a.xhprof_foo.xhprof): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/xhprof/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php on line 135
Assuming you have set up the http based UI for
XHProf at some address, you can view run at